Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Appreciative Inquiry facilitates the mission of an organization in this case a church. It discovers its abundance of strengths and values then finds a vision of the possibilities of the future. It asks how to make that future real with God's help then starts the journey. This is where they are journeying today.

Assurance is a church whose singular mission is to “Grow and Go”. Assurance is Growing Disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ so that we can Go serve Christ in the world. In “Growing and Going”, we emphasize the 3 S’s: Spirit, Serve, and Share. We grow our Spirit in worship, prayer, and small group connections. We grow by Serving others inside and outside the walls of our church. And we Share our gifts and the Good News that God loves us all. We are excited to be on this journey together.

God desires above all else, to be in relationship with us! God calls us to grow spiritually. All active people in the Assurance community worships each week and prays each day. The Impact that Christ can have through the Assurance community is directly connected to how close we are to Christ and how deep we grow spiritually. The direct community impact we want to have starts in our heart. The changes that take place internally from spiritual growth kindle the desire for action in the world. We believe that we participate in the kingdom of God on earth through our faith in action.
“live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” Colossians 1:10

Transform the world by serving. This is our chance to be Jesus’ hands and feet on the world. Serving means taking time to out others before self by teaching, feeding, building, clothing, and sharing hospitality. We serve because everyone needs love and God’s world needs to change for the better.
“Truly I tell you, just as you did to one of these members of my family, you did it to me”    Matthew 25:40

Our role, as Christians and active participants in the Assurance community, is to be witnesses for Jesus Christ spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and God’s love to those who need to experience God’s transforming love. Assurance shares the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed. God has blessed us with an abundance of gifts and we are called to generously share our gifts.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Act 1:8

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