Bold and courageous leadership is increasingly needed to face today's challenges. Increasing self-interest and advocacy for a single point of view is challenging the ability for leaders to find ways of energizing people for a common purpose. People seem quick to criticize and put up barriers to changes. At the same time, changes in our communities, our organizations, our
families and within ourselves call for individual and communal courage that
forms the heart of leadership.
Leaders need to find the boldness and courage for energizing others into learning and action. These are some characteristics of leaders, followers, and organizations successful in leading needed change:
Find Moral Leadership as Leaders
- Put service before self-interest – faith communities exist as much to serve the community as a whole as it exists for itself and members
- Listen first and affirm others – listening authentically is foundational to leadership
- Inspire trust by being trustworthy – focus on what is right, not popular, be consistent, focus on the well being of others
- Nourish and build up followers and believe in the uniqueness and value of all to have a positive impact on the world
- Courage to assume responsibility
- Courage to challenge
- Courage to participate in transformation
- Courage to serve
- Courage to leave
- Face fear of change and challenge with courage so as not to have regrets
- Accept the responsibility of leading and building up others
- Be willing not to conform and step in a different direction than the institution and popular direction
- Push beyond the comfort zone by taking a chance and improve things
- Give voice to what you think and visualize as a preferred state
- Fight for what you believe
- Believe in a higher purpose
- Draw strength from others
- Harness frustration and anger for good
- Take small steps